We are honored to feature our first guest post from Sasha from at Well Bein‘
Saha writes: ‘Well Bein’ is ultimately a blog about hope and positivity.
I’m Sasha, a twenty-something wanna-be-fiction writer and blogger.
Through Well Bein (and my @well.bein instagram) I aim to open up the conversation about mental health, and connect with others who also suffer from this – we are not alone. I also want to explore what can help to create a life of ‘well bein’ and a happy mind, so the blog will also feature lifestyle ideas, such as being vegan, London living, photography, travel…
It’s the little things in life that can keep us going at the hardest points – so I try to focus on the wondrous things in life that, amidst the daily grind, the admin, the constant rush of the twenty-first century, we can sometimes overlook.
Here’s to your Well Bein’.
‘There are many reasons why we travel: to explore, to escape, to see new places, meet new people, to reconnect with people you love as you journey together. But travel can also improve mental health and well-being. Travelling can be a welcome distraction from what you have to carry with you everywhere – your mind. It can provide perspective and an external focus from mental health issues, which are often a very internal and isolating struggle. For me, I travelled to Barcelona during a particularly difficult period – in fact, the night before, I wasn’t sure I would be able to go at all. But being there, in the heat, in a new city, full of life and colour, with new places to discover, provided an escape away from the usual places that I had started to associate with my mental illness.
Barcelona provided a few days of comparative bliss. And when I came home, I noticed a shift in feeling. It was not instantaneous – travel is not a cure, and I was seeking help throughout this period and for months after, but I found, it helped me to see that life was really worth living after all. Here’s to travelling, enriching your life and broadening your mind. It might just help. #wellbein’