Impossible beauty that captures the heart
Three perfect days in beautiful Bermuda. While our fantastic cruise ship, the Norwegian Escape was in port at the Royal Naval Dockyard on the far West End, that was how much time we had to explore. So, with a fair amount of research and chats with friends who have been there before, we made some tough choices and picked an itinerary from a long list of adventures. The good news: it was all good!
If you’re looking for a great long weekend getaway you’ll find plenty to do at one of America’s oldest seaports, right in the heart of a bustling city. Like being by the water? Local seafood? A lively nightlife in an historic neighborhood? Getting around by water taxi? Great venues for sports? Its all here: check out our top picks in Baltimore.
Growing up in New Jersey, a vacation in New York City is probably one of the last places we’d consider as a family. But for everyone else around the world, the Big Apple rivals any city you can think of for it’s endless energy, cultural diversity and plenty of good old fun. There are experiences here that you just won’t find anywhere else. Here’s a few at the top of our list:
1) Empire State Building
Kids and as well as adults love having good photos for their social media accounts, and there is no better place for awesome photos than the Empire State Building. Be sure to but your tickets in advance to skip the long line. To eliminate both ticket lines and elevator lines, time your visit for early morning or late in the day.
When we look to escape on vacation, several things may come to mind…
Well, who’s to say you can’t have it all? It’s all here, and more, at The Sagamore Resort on Lake George in Bolton’s Landing NY
The world’s 10 best beaches (we’ve ever been to)…
OK…we certainly haven’t been everywhere…and our bucket list is pages long with beautiful destinations at the waters edge that we long to explore.
That said, we’ve been blessed to see a few that hold memories of spectacular beauty. This is just one list of some that we’ve been to, and wanted to share.
Please add your favorites to the list…comment below…and together we’ll inspire each other to never stop exploring.
Check out the latest incredible adventures of Organic Passengers: Sonia and Hemanshu as they brave the elements to explore the remote paradise of Little Andaman Island.
The Journey Might Be Demanding, But In The End It Will Be Worth It!!!!!
Away from the world with barely any phone reception let alone Internet connection we were blissfully enjoying our stay on the island of Little Andaman. So much so that we decided to extend our trip on this tiny paradise & to this day we talk about returning back. Amongst all the spectacular things we experienced here, what actually became the highlight of our vacation was our trip to the Whisper Wave Waterfall or as the locals call it, “The Big Waterfall”.